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The EconoSpin® RNA/DNA Micro Spin Column is designed for extracting both DNA and RNA from various sources. It features a small binding bed, allowing for small elution volumes and more concentrated eluates. The column comes with a preassembled collection tube.
The EconoSpin® RNA/DNA Micro Spin Column is designed for extracting both DNA and RNA from various sources. It features a small binding bed, allowing for small elution volumes and more concentrated eluates. The column comes with a preassembled collection tube. It is a low cost substitute for Qiaprep, Qiaquick, Qiaamp, DNeasy, RNeasy, PureLink, GeneElute, PureYield, etc.
Key Futures:
DNase and RNase Free. Can be used for both RNA and DNA extraction from various sources.
Improved o-ring configuration completely eliminates buffer carryover.
Large frosted area around the neck instead of the column body, helps to avoid markers smudged by ethanol containing wash buffer.
Construction: Polypropylene.
Sample Size: Up to 850 µl per column.
Binding Capacity: Up to 20 µg of total RNA, or 6 µg of plasmid DNA
Smallest Elution Volume: 5 µl.
Follow the protocol of your current kit, simply substitute their column with EconoSpin®
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Epoch Biolabs (our old name)
Epoch Life Science (our correct name)
Epoch Life Sciences (typo by some authors)