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GenCatch® DEAE-silica anion exchange midi column for plasmid purification.
The GenCatch® DEAE-silica anion exchange midi column is a prepacked DEAE-silica gravity flow column specifically designed for plasmid purification. Its very large pore size and high density DEAE groups results in high binding capacity for plasmids. Combined with endotoxin removing buffer, it can product plasmids with very low endotoxin level (<0.1 EU/µg), unmatched by silica membrane based columns. GenCatch® DEAE-silica anion exchange column is also compatible with buffer sets from other manufactures such as Qiagen and Invitrogen. You can also make your own buffer according to our recipe.
Key Futures:
DEAE-silica anion exchange resin based gravity flow column for high purity plasmid purification
Construction: Polypropylene housing, polyethylene frit and DEAE-silica anion exchange resin.
Binding Capacity: 100-200 µg of plasmid DNA
Follow the protocol of your current kit, simply substitute the original column with GenCatch® DEAE column
Click the links below to learn about recent publications citing our products from Google Scholar:
Epoch Biolabs (our old name)
Epoch Life Science (our correct name)
Epoch Life Sciences (typo by some authors)