For the extraction of high molecular weight genomic DNA from 100 mg plants samples or 1x108 cells. Silica membrane mini spin column based method. Two sizes to choose from: 50 preps or 250 preps per kit.


100% MONEY


GenCatch™ Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep provides a simple, fast and cost-effective method to purify genomic DNA from various plant species. It comes with shearing tubes for simple and fast homogenization and filtration of plant tissues. Genomic DNA of predominantly 30 kb, up to 50 kb can be isolated free of contaminants without phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.

Sample Size: Up to 100 mg plant samples or or 1 × 108 cells..

Quality: Genomic DNA purified has typical A260 / A280 value of ~1.8. Genomic DNA purified is suitable for many downstream molecular manipulations including, genotyping, PCR, enzymatic reactions, southern blotting, etc.

Convenient: No phenol extractions or ethanol precipitations required.


GenCatch™ Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep Flow Chart:

GenCatch Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep flow chart



  Cat. No.: 1560050 Cat. No.: 1560250
PX1 Buffer 24 ml 120 ml
PX2 Buffer 8 ml 40 ml
PX3 Buffer 18 ml 90 ml
WS Buffer 15 ml 45 ml x 2
RNase A 20 mg 110 mg
GenCatch™ Mini Column 50 pieces 250 pieces
Shearing Tube 50 pieces 250 pieces
Collection Tube 100 pieces 500 pieces

GenCatch™ Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep Protocol:

Will be uploaded soon, thanks for your patience
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