For viral RNA extraction from non-segmented RNA virus, such as Covid-19, HIV, HCV etc.


100% MONEY


GenCatch™  Viral RNA Extraction System enables efficient viral RNA extraction from non-segmented RNA virus, such as Covid-19, HIV, HCV (not for Influenza, Adenovirus and other segment RNA genome virus). Samples of various forms ranging from biological fluids, serum, plasma, body fluids, and cell culture supernatant can be used. The system utilizes silica membrane spin column technology and requires no phenol/chloroform extraction. This system is ideal for isolation of RNA from pathogenic viruses such as Covid-19, HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV) for RT-PCR screening of clinical samples.

Yield: Up to 100 µg

Sample Size: Up to 150 µl

Quality: Viral RNA purified has a A260/A280 ratio between ~1.9~2.1. Purified viral RNA is suitable for applications such as RT-PCR, Northern and RNase protection assays.

Convenient: No phenol extractions or ethanol precipitations required.


GenCatch™ Viral RNA Miniprep Flow Chart:

GenCatch Viral RNA Miniprep flow chart



  Cat. No.: 1860050 Cat. No.: 1860250
RXV Buffer 35 ml 190 ml
WS Buffer 15 ml 45 ml x 2
RNA Carrier
1 tube
1 tube
Proteinase K concentrated
20 mg 3x 10 mg
RNase-free ddH2O
6  ml
27 ml
GenCatch™ Mini Column 50 pieces 250 pieces
Collection Tube
50 pieces 250 pieces
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GenCatch™ Viral RNA Miniprep Protocol:

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